
Providing hope and help
for those experiencing
opioid use disorder.

Opioid use disorder is a treatable chronic disease.

Nearly one in three people know someone addicted to opioids. In order to best help, we need to dispel the stigma and shame. This coalition supports and upholds our community members, and strives for a healthier future for all.

Siskiyou Opioid Safety Coalition

Preventing opioid overdoses, encouraging safe prescribing practices, engaging the community in collective action, and increasing access to naloxone and medication assisted treatment.

Opioid use disorder is a treatable chronic disease.

Nearly one in three people know someone addicted to opioids. In order to best help, we need to dispel the stigma and shame. This coalition supports and upholds our community members, and strives for a healthier future for all.

What is an opioid?

Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone (oxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), codeine and morphine. When used correctly, prescription opioids can be useful for treating acute (short-term) pain. However, misusing opioids can lead to tolerance, addiction and fatal overdoses.

Did you know...?

In 2022, There were 19 opioid related overdose deaths in Siskiyou County.

Did you know...?

More than 3 in 4 heroin users report first using prescription opioids.

Did you know...?

From 2019 – 2021, fentanyl overdose deaths have increased by 800% in Siskiyou County.

Overdose Prevention

Did you know that naloxone (Narcan) is a drug that can restore breathing in someone who has overdosed on opiates? You can get your own free Narcan kit and learn how to use this life saving medication in minutes. In an Emergency, call 911 right away. All EMS, law enforcement and most fire personnel in Siskiyou County carry Narcan.

Medicine Kit Opioid Safety
Barry Opioid Safety

Barry’s Story

“If I can make it through, anyone can!”

For Barry from Yreka, drugs and alcohol had always been a way of life. After a surgery, he became hooked on Norco. He was sick all the time and didn’t do anything unless on drugs. One day, he courageously decided to get help. Barry’s been clean and sober since 2017, and has never been happier. He hopes his story will help someone lost in a life of drugs and alcohol.

Start Your Recovery Today

Do you or someone you love need help?

Learn about treatment options, recovery services, information for families, and suicide prevention.

We have 16 providers in Siskiyou county who are trained in Medication Assisted Treatment.

Reaching For Help Opioid Safety

Information & Events

SOSC Siskiyou County Data Report Card

SOSC Siskiyou County Data Report Card

The SOSC Data Sub-Committee maintains a data report card with the most current accessible data related to opioid use in Siskiyou County. SOSC Siskiyou County Data Report Card